Saturday, 29 November.

Today at noon, with 20 additional relatives and friends, some whom he has known for more than 70 years, Tai yeh-yeh celebrated his 90th birthday in a private room in restaurant Bi Fong Tang on the 10th floor of the Living Mall, just across the street from where he lives. I wonder what type of life experiences Tai yeh-yeh must have had being born at the end of one great war, having served in World War II, having fought the communists and then being forced to flee your homeland to an island with the resulting split up of your family for decades? But he lived his years well, and has been blessed with good health. The rest of our family would be so fortunate to also live that long with such good quality of life.






Top: At the entrance to our room, with the sign announcing that this is the Hsu celebration. 2nd: Tai yeh-yeh starts a toast, one of many. 3rd: Toward the end of the meal, a special 90th birthday cake is wheeled in and Tai yeh-yeh cuts the cake to the applause of guests. The three seated guests are old classmates he has known since his Shanghai days in the 1930’s – all about the same age as Tai yeh-yeh. 4th: Here I go again, playing with his cane, a symbol of growing older, but with a smile that really means to convey my respect for him. Bottom: My family together showing the 4 generations of Hsus: Tai yeh-yeh, Yeh-yeh, Daddy, and me!