Monday, 24 November.

Late afternoon we made the usual daily 4km trip to visit Tai yeh-yeh, except there were two differences. First, instead of taking a taxi we took a bus, and two, instead just Tai yeh-yeh welcoming us, we arrived to a full condo. All my granduncles and grandaunts had arrived, as two of them from Texas just arrived today via Shanghai and Macau. As you recall we’re all here to celebrate Tai yeh-yeh’s 90th birthday on Saturday. The only ones missing from tonight’s dinner are Yeh-yeh and Nai-nai; they arrive later this week from Singapore. Looks like for the rest of this week I will have lots of kisses and attention beyond the ordinary.





Top: Goo-por (Grandaunty) Sunny teaches me the names of birds in Chinese. 2nd: Uh-oh, here I go again, messing around with things such as Tai yeh-yeh’s cane. Fortunately he doesn’t seem to mind. 3rd: At a Beijing restaurant called “Xi Lai Suen” on East Nanjing Road. Clockwise, from me: GU Danny and GA Sunny, from Danshui, a suburb of Taipei; Tai yeh-yeh; GU Jerry and GA Sherry, from Dallas TX; GU Linda, who is Sherry’s sister and a professional violinist, from Macau; and finally Aunty Shirley, GU Linda’s daughter, who is a college student here in Taipei. Bottom: Tai yeh-yeh and GU Jerry enjoy a laugh together.