Technically, we’re in Beaumont, a few miles east of Loma Linda. We’re staying at the home of David, Valerie, and Hayleigh Yeoh who graciously picked us up from LAX last night and will take us this evening back to the airport – a 90 minute drive each way!

It was a very long day yesterday if you consider the flight over the Pacific and then also realizing that we gained a day. Today, it’s no wonder that we’re just staying at our hosts’ home – no seeing anybody, not eating out (except for dinner tonight), and just sleeping and lazing about. That was the intent of this day: to recover so that we can handle the plane ride home to Orlando. I’ve been in the crib most of the day napping away, although I woke up frequently during the night due to jet lag.

Today I haven’t even seen Hayleigh, but we did have some fun interaction last night. Here’s a photo of us below.

*** This is the last blog entry on this website, and will resume back on tomorrow ***